At Well Ahead Chicago, we are dedicated to helping you achieve clear, healthy skin through a holistic functional medicine approach. Our team applies principles of holistic functional medicine to identify the root causes of skin conditions, paving the way for long-term relief and wellness.

Through personalized health histories and comprehensive laboratory assessments, we tailor lifestyle, nutrition, herbal, and nutritional supplement recommendations to address your unique needs. Additionally, we may suggest natural skincare products to provide immediate relief and support your skin's health.

NOTE: While our services complement conventional dermatological care, they are not a substitute. We encourage individuals with undiagnosed skin conditions to seek guidance from a board-certified dermatologist or primary care physician.

We specialize in addressing a wide range of skin conditions, including but not limited to:


Alopecia/ Hair loss


Autoimmune skin conditions


Hidradenitis Suppurativa 

Lichen Planus

Lichen Simplex Chronicus

Polymorphic Light Eruption



Seborrheic Dermatitis


& Others

Ready to take the first step towards clearer, healthier skin?

We invite you to watch our free training, "Discover Natural Secrets for Clear Skin, Anti-aging, and Longevity." In this informative session, you'll gain valuable insights into natural skincare practices and holistic approaches to skin health. Simply click the link below to access and embark on your journey to healthy skin from within today.

 If you have done what you can and are ready for professional analysis and guidance in optimizing skin health and full body wellness, we work with clients thru tele-health consulting wherever you live in the world to help you in achieving your health goals. Together we can uncover root causes and develop a skin + health supportive plan. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about how our services can benefit you, click below to request a consultation.