How to Cure Vitiligo Permanently with a Natural Approach


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Hi, Dr. Shayna Peter here I wanted to do this video on Vitiligo because it's such an incredibly common condition. So about 1% of Americans are affected by Vitiligo and a lot of people all over the world that are suffering from vitiligo. So I wanted to do this video because I know a lot of people are out there searching for answers and conventional medicine and holistic medicine. So I want us to do this video for you all to clear some things up and answer some of the questions that you may have. So the question, what really cures vitiligo, the answer to that is a functional medicine approach. So three things are needed in order to develop an autoimmune condition of any kind that affects any organ system you need. First genetic predisposition and environmental trigger and intestinal hyperpermeability also called leaky gut.

So those three prerequisites are needed in order to develop any auto immune condition. In functional medicine, what we do is address the environmental triggers and the intestinal hyperpermeability. Obviously your genetics are something that you cannot change. In doing so, we're able to reverse the autoimmune process. And so that's effective with any autoimmune condition. Um, with vitiligo the effect is repigmentation the skin. Um, this is not an instant process. It takes several months, however, it is very effective. What I am not saying in this video is that photo therapy is not effective for treating vitiligo. Photo therapy can be extremely helpful in improving the appearance of it, vitiligo and accelerated repigmentation of the skin. However, it is not a long-term resolution and it does not treat the internal causes of vitiligo. Another, uh, added benefit to consider with functional medicine is because you are addressing the underlying cause and reversing the autoimmune process. It will actually help to prevent a person from developing other autoimmune diseases in the future. And if you are a person with a vitiligo, um, that has a second or third autoimmune condition already, functional medicine will help to reverse the autoimmune diseases.

The process in all of those conditions. So the statements that I'm making in this video to be clear, are factual, are based on her scientific evidence. This is not holistic theory. This is based on science and there is medical literature to back up all the statements that I'm making in this video. So I hope that this has been helpful for you all. If you would like to see references and learn more about the research, On vitiligo and autoimmune disease, feel free to leave a comment below and I'll be happy to post those references. Um, and again, I'll be leaving a link to my blog underneath this video and that's where I will be posting references, um, at your request. So again, I hope this was helpful. Take care and be well.


What is Vitiligo?

Vitiligo is an autoimmune skin condition that currently affects 1-2% of Americans.  Small spots or larger areas of skin may be affected. Vitiligo is caused by many factors, some of which are genetics,  accumulation of toxins, bacterial overgrowth, food sensitivities, nutritional deficiencies, mental-emotional stress etc.  With vitiligo, the immune system attacks the melanin-producing cells called melanocytes, and this process causes areas of the skin to lose their pigmentation.  

Vitiligo can negatively impact a person’s confidence and self-image, especially if it affects areas that can’t be hidden such as the face and hands.  Conventional treatment for vitiligo involves ultraviolet light therapy, which can be very effective in improving the appearance. However, with conventional treatment only, the internal autoimmune process still remains because the underlying causative factors have not been.  An integrative approach to vitiligo treatment is necessary to not only improve the appearance of the skin long term, but also address the root cause and prevent progression and development of other autoimmune conditions. An integrative treatment approach to vitiligo would include a holistic approach in combination with conventional treatment.

Vitiligo is not something that should be treated as a cosmetic issue only. It is a visible signal of an immune system imbalance.


What is Functional Medicine?

Functional medicine is considered by many to be a subspecialty of naturopathic medicine. It determines how and why illness occurs and restores health by addressing the root causes of disease.  Functional medicine usually involves specialized laboratory testing to identify imbalances and weakened organ systems in the individual. Treatments may include lifestyle medicine, nutrition, nutritional supplements, herbs etc.  to correct imbalances and assist the body’s natural ability to heal. Watch this video to learn more.

Can Functional Medicine Reverse Vitiligo Naturally?

Functional medicine can arrest the autoimmune process by re-balancing the immune system. In some vitiligo sufferers this can be enough to cause the skin to regain pigment. In others functional medicine approach stops spreading of vitiligo and conventional treatments are needed in order to stimulate the skin to produce pigment.  A functional medicine/naturopathic approach can help to normalize the overactive immune response and prevent further spreading, so permanent improvement is experienced when conventional treatments are discontinued.

Written By: Shayna Peter NMD, CNS, LDN

Functional Medicine Naturopathic Doctor | Holistic Dermatology Specialist

Are you seeking to address root causes of vitiligo & ready for professional guidance?

Well Ahead Chicago blends holistic dermatology and functional medicine to help people that have vitiligo pinpoint the root causes. Regardless of where you live in the world Well Ahead Chicago offers one-on-one virtual health consulting to fit your personal needs. Click HERE to schedule a call with our team.

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