Defeat Diabetes! | Know the 61 Names for Hidden Sugar


Whether your goal is managing diabetes, preventing diabetes, or just to be healthier, watching out for added sugar is a must!  You want to always read labels as added sugar can be in some of the foods you least expect.  While some sugars are better than others, sugar is still sugar and quantity matters.  Below are some of the other names sugar goes by on food labels.

  1. Agave nectar

  2. Barbados sugar

  3. Barley malt

  4. Barley malt syrup

  5. Beet sugar

  6. Brown sugar

  7. Buttered syrup

  8. Cane juice

  9. Cane juice crystals

  10. Cane sugar

  11. Caramel

  12. Carob syrup

  13. Castor sugar

  14. Coconut palm sugar

  15. Coconut sugar

  16. Confectioner's sugar

  17. Corn sweetener

  18. Corn syrup

  19. Corn syrup solids

  20. Date sugar

  21. Dehydrated cane juice

  22. Demerara sugar

  23. Dextrin

  24. Dextrose

  25. Evaporated cane juice

  26. Free-flowing brown sugars

  27. Fructose

  28. Fruit juice

  29. Fruit juice concentrate

  30. Glucose

  31. Glucose solids

  32. Golden sugar

  33. Golden syrup

  34. Grape sugar

  35. HFCS (High-Fructose Corn Syrup)

  36. Honey

  37. Icing sugar

  38. Invert sugar

  39. Malt syrup

  40. Maltodextrin

  41. Maltol

  42. Maltose

  43. Mannose

  44. Maple syrup

  45. Molasses

  46. Muscovado

  47. Palm sugar

  48. Panocha

  49. Powdered sugar

  50. Raw sugar

  51. Refiner's syrup

  52. Rice syrup

  53. Saccharose

  54. Sorghum Syrup

  55. Sucrose

  56. Sugar (granulated)

  57. Sweet Sorghum

  58. Syrup

  59. Treacle

  60. Turbinado sugar

  61. Yellow sugar


Dr. Peter helps patients prevent and reverse diabetes naturally and improve their overall health.  Schedule an appointment or contact Well Ahead Health Solutions for further inquiries.  Virtual appointments available.




Is Shopping Organic Breaking the Bank?


With all the buzz surrounding eating organic and the added cost, it's easy to feel like you can't win.  To save money in the produce section when buying organic, refer to the Dirty Dozen.  These are the 12 crops with the highest amounts of pesticides that you definitely want to buy organic.

Dirty Dozen 2017

  1. Strawberries 

  2. Spinach

  3. Nectarines

  4. Apples

  5. Peaches 

  6. Celery 

  7. Grapes

  8. Pears

  9. Cherries 

  10. Tomatoes 

  11. Sweet bell peppers 

  12. Potatoes